Search Results | fin whale

Your search for "fin whale" returned 77 results

From Fin Whales to Blue Whales: The Whale Species Quiz

The whale may be the most magnificent mammal in the sea, but can you tell one whale from another? Take our quiz to see how much you know about the various whale species and how these creatures differ.

How Whaling Works

Whaling has been practiced for several centuries. Learn about whaling, and find out what is being done to stop whaling.

The Ultimate Whale Quiz

Whales are among the most intelligent mammals known to man and most whales even appear to enjoy being in the company of human beings. Take our quiz to learn more about this amazing mammal.

How Baleen Whales Work

Baleen whales have plates with coarse bristles for filter feeding. Learn how baleen whales differ from toothed whales that hunt squid and other prey.

How Whales Work

Whales are some of the largest living things on the planet. Learn about whales and find out how whales are able to sleep and withstand the pressures of the ocean.

Humpback Whales Have Made an Amazing Comeback From Extinction

Humpback whales can be as long as a city bus and weigh as much as two. They love to breach and water slap with their fins and tails, making them a perennial favorite for whale watchers.

9 Enormous Facts About Sperm Whales, Gigantic Creatures of the Sea

Sperm whales are one of the largest creatures in the ocean. And they have the biggest brain on the planet. So are they also the smartest? We'll tell you.

Are You a Shark, Dolphin or Whale, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

The seas are full of graceful creatures with fins. Some of them are majestic. Some are playful and intelligent. Some will eat you alive! Take our Myers-Briggs Personality Test and we'll tell you which marine animal you are!

Can You Identify These New Zealand Mammals?

Sure, New Zealand's got cats, dogs and even whales. But it also has so much more. Can you name the most well-known mammals from New Zealand? Let's find out.

Can You Identify These Animals That Are Longer Than Humans?

The tallest man ever was 8 feet, 11inches tall, but on average, men are about 5 feet, 9 inches tall. The animal kingdom can put both of those numbers to shame! Do you think you know some sizable beasts? Take this quiz, and show us the long and short of it.

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